Swerve Granular Sugar Replacement

12 oz

Swerve is a natural sugar replacement, crafted from a special blend of fruits and vegetables, free of artificial ingredients, preservatives, and flavors. It has no glycemic impact, making it safe for diabetics. Studies have demonstrated that Swerve does not elevate blood glucose or insulin levels. The secret to its zero calorie sweetness lies in the mix of erythritol and oligosaccharides, offering a perfect balance of baking and cooking abilities. This sugar substitute can brown and caramelize like sugar, eliminating the need for conversion charts. If a recipe calls for a half cup of sugar, simply replace it with a half cup of Swerve! Zero Calorie - Natural - Nothing Artificial - Diabetes-friendly - Taste just like sugar - Measure cup-for-cup like sugar.

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Ingredients: Erythritol, Oligosaccharides and Natural Flavors.